
Coming Events

This is you chance to bring out your friends, neighbours, kids, or even the grandkids to your Club to try curling. We will have free ice available to you on the following dates:

 Saturday April 3rd  from 11am to 3pm
Monday April 5th from 3pm till 9pm
 Wednesday April 7th from 12noon till 6pm
 Friday April 9th from 12noon till 6pm
Sunday April 11th from 12noon till 3pm
Monday April 12th from 3pm to 6pm
Wednesday April 14th from 12noon till 9pm
Friday April 16th from 12noon till 6pm
Saturday April 17th from 11am till 4pm on 4 sheets and our Year end Skating Party is From 12noon till 4pm on the other 4 sheets EVERYBODY WELCOME and remember FREE HOTDOGS and POP for the Kids